Vernon is a family nurse practitioner working in primary care as a statewide travel provider for Optum in Florida and Texas. He owns and is the medical director of Citrus State Healthcare Consultants, PLLC, providing concierge primary care services and healthcare policy guidance. He precepts nurse practitioner students from several universities, is the president of the Florida Association of Nurse Practitioners (FLANP), is the former co-chair and current member representative with the Florida Coalition of Advanced Practice Nurses (FCAPN), former president and current legislative chair for the Central Florida Advanced Nursing Practice Council (CFANPC), a think tank contributor for the Florida Nurse Practitioner Network (FNPN), and is president of the UnitedHealth Group American Association for Men in Nursing (AAMN) chapter. He is also a subject matter expert for Optum on nursing engagement and advocacy and the national representative for Florida at the Center for Clinician Advancement (UHG). He leads nursing agendas for progress as part of the Florida Nurses Association’s (FNA) legislative team and their health policy special interest group. Honored with the Florida ICON award for advocacy by the Florida Nurses Association, he sits on both the Quality & Unity in Nursing Council (QUIN) and the Nursing Action Coalition of Florida (NACFL), where he works with a diverse group of nursing specialists on evidence-based position papers to guide policy makers and academic faculty alike. Instrumental in helping pass history-making successful legislation to achieve full practice authority for primary care nurse practitioners, he has been actively working to change how nursing is viewed from a diversity and inclusion standpoint fighting for gender parity. He lectures at conferences nationwide about high-quality nursing care, burnout, and self-care, evidence-based guidelines, APRN advocacy, and social determinants of health to promote nurse’s professional development. He travels across Central Florida to speak at high schools as part of the AAMN FutuRN program.